Camp Scandinavia acquires EN-Apuvälineet business
1 tammikuuta 2021
Camp Scandinavia has acquired EN-apuvälineet business with purchase agreement signed 30th of December 2020. With this acquisition, Camp Scandinavia will expand its offering as part of the new business areas in Finland.
EN-Apuvälineet business and personnel will remain unchanged
The product and service range of EN-Apuvälineet will become part of Camp Mobility's product range. With this business acquisition, Camp Scandinavia expands its offering e.g. ramps, elevators, and therapy bicycles as part of the new business areas in the future. EN-Apuvälineet's operations, personnel and business premises will continue as before.
New businesses and areas: Together we are stronger
Camp Scandinavia is a family business founded in 1978, which manufactures, imports and sells medical rehabilitation aids such as orthoses and orthosis materials and accessories, as well as prosthetic and orthosis components. Camp Scandinavia is part of the Allard Support for Better Life Group.
Camp Mobility is the business unit of Camp Scandinavia, which started operations in 2015 and specializes in Mobility and ADL products and alterations and maintenance.
The turnover of Camp Scandinavia Oy in Finland in 2019 was EUR 9.4 million. Camp Scandinavia Oy employs about 30 people in Finland and has offices in Helsinki, Oulu, Kuopio and a logistics center and Camp Mobility's main office in Tampere.
EN-Apuvälineet was founded in 2004 and is an auxiliary business name of Suomen Elevaattoritekniikka Oy, which offers aids and accessibility solutions and products that make life easier with everyday situations as independently as possible. The turnover of EN-Apuvälineet in 2019 was EUR 621 thousand. The company employs 2 persons and its premises are located in Hyvinkää, Finland.
"Through this business acquisition, we aim to strengthen our businesses and expand our expertise and cooperation, especially with both private and public developers and construction industry as well as municipal social services."
More information about Camp Scandinavia / Allard Support for Better Life Group:
Etusivu | Camp Mobility or Allard Support for Better Life! | Allard Support
More information about EN-Apuvälineet:
Tapani Vuorinen Osmo Koivisto
General Manager CEO
Camp Mobility EN-Apuvälineet
0400 981 990 0400 481 341